rainbow hue variations (pocket edition) (2013)

rainbow hue variation cover and sleeve.jpg

rainbow hue variations (pocket edition) begins with my photograph of a rainbow (reproduced across the front and back cover). the first image inside the zine, presented across a two-page spread, is that same rainbow photograph with a +10 degree hue shift (as defined by photoshop). each subsequent image follows this same algorithm (+10 degree hue shift from the prior image), so that the 35th and final image inside the zine is +350 degree hue shift from the original rainbow. photoshop defines hue as a 360 degree spectrum, so a +350 degree hue shift is equivalent to a -10 degree hue shift (meaning the final image inside the zine is one 10 degree hue step from the original rainbow image). as such, the 36 rainbows step through 360 degrees of hue, circling away from, and later back toward, the hue of the original rainbow photograph.

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cmyk offset print on matte paper with 50% recycled content, 72 pages (6.5 x 4.75” pages), staple bound, with custom sleeve (made in studio in Anchor Bay, CA, USA)


Moby Dick* *redacted to queer


staring at our Sun (pocket edition)