Muybridge man in motion

self-named UK photographer Eadweard Muybridge is known for his Animal Locomotion studies, in which he photographed humans and other animals in motion in sequence. Animal Locomotion, Plate 287 (1887) shows, in part, 11 side-angle photos of a naked man running forward and bending to pick up a ball in the middle of the run.

this cascading accordion stitches together those 11 images, followed by a reverse sequence with 11 mirror images. all 22 images are presented side-by-side, in sequence (3.375 inches height by width expandable to 6 feet 7 inches).

full color inkjet print (mix of 11 pigment inks) on superheavyweight matte plus paper (first materializing as a 12x36” print and then cut, hand-folded, seamed, pressed, and sleeved in studio)

muybridge man side by side.jpg

transit of Mercury too


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